Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis using Python

Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis is a comprehensive evaluation aimed at understanding and optimizing the financial dynamics of a food delivery operation. The goal is to identify areas where the service can reduce costs, increase revenue, and implement pricing or commission strategies that enhance profitability. So, if you want to learn how to perform cost and profitability analysis of a business operation, this article is for you. In this article, I’ll take you through the task of Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis using Python.

Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis: Process We Can Follow

Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis involves examining all the costs associated with delivering food orders, from direct expenses like delivery fees and packaging to indirect expenses like discounts offered to customers and commission fees paid by restaurants. By juxtaposing these costs against the revenue generated (primarily through order values and commission fees), the analysis aims to provide insights into how profitable the food delivery service is on a per-order basis.

Below is the process we can follow for the task of Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis:

  1. Start by gathering comprehensive data related to all aspects of food delivery operations.
  2. Clean the dataset for inconsistencies, missing values, or irrelevant information.
  3. Extract relevant features that could impact cost and profitability.
  4. Break down the costs associated with each order, including fixed costs (like packaging) and variable costs (like delivery fees and discounts).
  5. Determine the revenue generated from each order, focusing on commission fees and the order value before discounts.
  6. For each order, calculate the profit by subtracting the total costs from the revenue. Analyze the distribution of profitability across all orders to identify trends.
  7. Based on the cost and profitability analysis, develop strategic recommendations aimed at enhancing profitability.
  8. Use the data to simulate the financial impact of proposed changes, such as adjusting discount or commission rates.

So, the process starts with collecting a dataset. I found an ideal dataset for this task. You can download the dataset from here.

Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis using Python

Now, let’s get started with the task of Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis by importing the necessary Python libraries and the dataset:

import pandas as pd

food_orders = pd.read_csv("food_orders_new_delhi.csv")
   Order ID Customer ID Restaurant ID  Order Date and Time  \
0 1 C8270 R2924 2024-02-01 01:11:52
1 2 C1860 R2054 2024-02-02 22:11:04
2 3 C6390 R2870 2024-01-31 05:54:35
3 4 C6191 R2642 2024-01-16 22:52:49
4 5 C6734 R2799 2024-01-29 01:19:30

Delivery Date and Time Order Value Delivery Fee Payment Method \
0 2024-02-01 02:39:52 1914 0 Credit Card
1 2024-02-02 22:46:04 986 40 Digital Wallet
2 2024-01-31 06:52:35 937 30 Cash on Delivery
3 2024-01-16 23:38:49 1463 50 Cash on Delivery
4 2024-01-29 02:48:30 1992 30 Cash on Delivery

Discounts and Offers Commission Fee Payment Processing Fee \
0 5% on App 150 47
1 10% 198 23
2 15% New User 195 45
3 None 146 27
4 50 off Promo 130 50

0 0
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
Data columns (total 12 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Order ID 1000 non-null int64
1 Customer ID 1000 non-null object
2 Restaurant ID 1000 non-null object
3 Order Date and Time 1000 non-null object
4 Delivery Date and Time 1000 non-null object
5 Order Value 1000 non-null int64
6 Delivery Fee 1000 non-null int64
7 Payment Method 1000 non-null object
8 Discounts and Offers 1000 non-null object
9 Commission Fee 1000 non-null int64
10 Payment Processing Fee 1000 non-null int64
11 Refunds/Chargebacks 1000 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(6), object(6)
memory usage: 93.9+ KB

The dataset contains 1,000 entries and 12 columns, with no missing values in any of the columns. Now, we need to perform some data cleaning and preparation. Below are the necessary cleaning steps we need to take:

  • Convert “Order Date and Time” and “Delivery Date and Time” to a datetime format.
  • Convert “Discounts and Offers” to a consistent numeric value (if applicable) or calculate the discount amounts.
  • Ensure all monetary values are in a suitable format for calculations.

Let’s perform these data preparation steps:

from datetime import datetime

# convert date and time columns to datetime
food_orders['Order Date and Time'] = pd.to_datetime(food_orders['Order Date and Time'])
food_orders['Delivery Date and Time'] = pd.to_datetime(food_orders['Delivery Date and Time'])

# first, let's create a function to extract numeric values from the 'Discounts and Offers' string
def extract_discount(discount_str):
    if 'off' in discount_str:
        # Fixed amount off
        return float(discount_str.split(' ')[0])
    elif '%' in discount_str:
        # Percentage off
        return float(discount_str.split('%')[0])
        # No discount
        return 0.0

# apply the function to create a new 'Discount Value' column
food_orders['Discount Percentage'] = food_orders['Discounts and Offers'].apply(lambda x: extract_discount(x))

# for percentage discounts, calculate the discount amount based on the order value
food_orders['Discount Amount'] = food_orders.apply(lambda x: (x['Order Value'] * x['Discount Percentage'] / 100)
                                                   if x['Discount Percentage'] > 1
                                                   else x['Discount Percentage'], axis=1)

# adjust 'Discount Amount' for fixed discounts directly specified in the 'Discounts and Offers' column
food_orders['Discount Amount'] = food_orders.apply(lambda x: x['Discount Amount'] if x['Discount Percentage'] <= 1
                                                   else x['Order Value'] * x['Discount Percentage'] / 100, axis=1)

print(food_orders[['Order Value', 'Discounts and Offers', 'Discount Percentage', 'Discount Amount']].head(), food_orders.dtypes)
   Order Value Discounts and Offers  Discount Percentage  Discount Amount
0 1914 5% on App 5.0 95.70
1 986 10% 10.0 98.60
2 937 15% New User 15.0 140.55
3 1463 None 0.0 0.00
4 1992 50 off Promo 50.0 996.00

Order ID int64
Customer ID object
Restaurant ID object
Order Date and Time datetime64[ns]
Delivery Date and Time datetime64[ns]
Order Value int64
Delivery Fee int64
Payment Method object
Discounts and Offers object
Commission Fee int64
Payment Processing Fee int64
Refunds/Chargebacks int64
Discount Percentage float64
Discount Amount float64
dtype: object

The data is now ready with the following adjustments:

  • Order Date and Time and Delivery Date and Time columns have been converted to datetime format.
  • A new column, Discount Amount, has been calculated based on the Discounts and Offers column. This was achieved by extracting percentage discounts or fixed amounts and applying them to the order value.
  • Discount Percentage has been added to represent the discount rate or fixed amount discount directly.

Cost and Profitability Analysis

For the cost analysis, we’ll consider the following costs associated with each order:

  • Delivery Fee: The fee charged for delivering the order.
  • Payment Processing Fee: The fee for processing the payment.
  • Discount Amount: The discount provided on the order.

We’ll calculate the total cost for the platform per order and then aggregate this data to understand the overall cost structure.

The revenue for the platform is mainly derived from the Commission Fee. We’ll calculate the net profit by subtracting the total costs (including discounts) from the revenue generated through commission fees.

Let’s proceed with the cost and profitability analysis:

# calculate total costs and revenue per order
food_orders['Total Costs'] = food_orders['Delivery Fee'] + food_orders['Payment Processing Fee'] + food_orders['Discount Amount']
food_orders['Revenue'] = food_orders['Commission Fee']
food_orders['Profit'] = food_orders['Revenue'] - food_orders['Total Costs']

# aggregate data to get overall metrics
total_orders = food_orders.shape[0]
total_revenue = food_orders['Revenue'].sum()
total_costs = food_orders['Total Costs'].sum()
total_profit = food_orders['Profit'].sum()

overall_metrics = {
    "Total Orders": total_orders,
    "Total Revenue": total_revenue,
    "Total Costs": total_costs,
    "Total Profit": total_profit

{'Total Orders': 1000, 'Total Revenue': 126990, 'Total Costs': 232709.85, 'Total Profit': -105719.85}

Based on the analysis, here are the overall metrics for the food delivery operations:

  • Total Orders: 1,000
  • Total Revenue (from Commission Fees): 126,990 INR
  • Total Costs: 232,709.85 INR (including delivery fees, payment processing fees, and discounts)
  • Total Profit: -105,719.85 INR

The analysis indicates that the total costs associated with the food delivery operations exceed the total revenue generated from commission fees, resulting in a net loss. It suggests that the current commission rates, delivery fees, and discount strategies might not be sustainable for profitability.

To better understand the distribution of costs, revenue, and profit, let’s plot:

  1. A histogram of profits per order to visualize the distribution of profitable and unprofitable orders.
  2. A pie chart to visualize the proportion of total costs (delivery fees, payment processing fees, and discounts).
  3. A bar chart to compare total revenue, total costs, and total profit

Let’s plot the histogram first:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# histogram of profits per order
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.hist(food_orders['Profit'], bins=50, color='skyblue', edgecolor='black')
plt.title('Profit Distribution per Order in Food Delivery')
plt.ylabel('Number of Orders')
plt.axvline(food_orders['Profit'].mean(), color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1)
Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis: Profit Distribution per Order in Food Delivery

The histogram shows a wide distribution of profit per order, with a noticeable number of orders resulting in a loss (profits below 0). The red dashed line indicates the average profit, which is in the negative territory, highlighting the overall loss-making situation.

Now, let’s have a look at the proportion of total costs:

# pie chart for the proportion of total costs
costs_breakdown = food_orders[['Delivery Fee', 'Payment Processing Fee', 'Discount Amount']].sum()
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
plt.pie(costs_breakdown, labels=costs_breakdown.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140, colors=['tomato', 'gold', 'lightblue'])
plt.title('Proportion of Total Costs in Food Delivery')
Proportion of Total Costs in Food Delivery

The pie chart illustrates the breakdown of total costs into delivery fees, payment processing fees, and discount amounts. Discounts constitute a significant portion of the costs, suggesting that promotional strategies might be heavily impacting overall profitability.

Now, let’s compare total revenue, total costs, and total profit (net loss in our case):

# bar chart for total revenue, costs, and profit
totals = ['Total Revenue', 'Total Costs', 'Total Profit']
values = [total_revenue, total_costs, total_profit]

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)), values, color=['green', 'red', 'blue'])
plt.title('Total Revenue, Costs, and Profit')
plt.ylabel('Amount (INR)')
Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis: Total Revenue, Costs, and Profit

The bar chart compares total revenue, total costs, and total profit. It visually represents the gap between revenue and costs, clearly showing that the costs surpass the revenue, leading to a total loss.

A New Strategy for Profits

From the analysis so far we understood that the discounts on food orders are resulting in huge losses. Now, we need to find a new strategy for profitability. We need to find a sweet spot for offering discounts and charging commissions. To find a sweet spot for commission and discount percentages, we can analyze the characteristics of profitable orders more deeply. Specifically, we need to look for:

  1. A new average commission percentage based on profitable orders.
  2. A new average discount percentage for profitable orders, that could serve as a guideline for what level of discount still allows for profitability.

Given these new averages, we can suggest adjustments that might not only make individual orders profitable but also apply broadly across all orders to improve overall profitability. Let’s calculate:

  • The average commission percentage for profitable orders.
  • The average discount percentage for profitable orders.
# filter the dataset for profitable orders
profitable_orders = food_orders[food_orders['Profit'] > 0]

# calculate the average commission percentage for profitable orders
profitable_orders['Commission Percentage'] = (profitable_orders['Commission Fee'] / profitable_orders['Order Value']) * 100

# calculate the average discount percentage for profitable orders
profitable_orders['Effective Discount Percentage'] = (profitable_orders['Discount Amount'] / profitable_orders['Order Value']) * 100

# calculate the new averages
new_avg_commission_percentage = profitable_orders['Commission Percentage'].mean()
new_avg_discount_percentage = profitable_orders['Effective Discount Percentage'].mean()

print(new_avg_commission_percentage, new_avg_discount_percentage)
30.508436145149435 5.867469879518072

Based on the analysis of profitable orders, we find a new set of averages that could represent a “sweet spot” for commission and discount percentages:

  • New Average Commission Percentage: 30.51%
  • New Average Discount Percentage: 5.87%

The average commission percentage for profitable orders is significantly higher than the overall average across all orders. It suggests that a higher commission rate on orders might be a key factor in achieving profitability. The average discount percentage for profitable orders is notably lower than the overall average, indicating that lower discounts might contribute to profitability without significantly deterring order volume.

Based on this analysis, a strategy that aims for a commission rate closer to 30% and a discount rate around 6% could potentially improve profitability across the board.

Now, let’s visualize a comparison of profitability using actual versus recommended discounts and commissions across all orders. For this, we need to:

  1. Calculate the profitability per order using the actual discounts and commissions already present in the dataset.
  2. Simulate profitability per order using the recommended discounts (6%) and commissions (30%) to see the potential impact on profitability.

This comparison will help illustrate the potential impact of adopting the recommended discount and commission rates on the overall profitability of orders. Here’s how to visualize this comparison:

# simulate profitability with recommended discounts and commissions
recommended_commission_percentage = 30.0  # 30%
recommended_discount_percentage = 6.0    # 6%

# calculate the simulated commission fee and discount amount using recommended percentages
food_orders['Simulated Commission Fee'] = food_orders['Order Value'] * (recommended_commission_percentage / 100)
food_orders['Simulated Discount Amount'] = food_orders['Order Value'] * (recommended_discount_percentage / 100)

# recalculate total costs and profit with simulated values
food_orders['Simulated Total Costs'] = (food_orders['Delivery Fee'] +
                                        food_orders['Payment Processing Fee'] +
                                        food_orders['Simulated Discount Amount'])

food_orders['Simulated Profit'] = (food_orders['Simulated Commission Fee'] -
                                   food_orders['Simulated Total Costs'])

# visualizing the comparison
import seaborn as sns

plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))

# actual profitability
sns.kdeplot(food_orders['Profit'], label='Actual Profitability', fill=True, alpha=0.5, linewidth=2)

# simulated profitability
sns.kdeplot(food_orders['Simulated Profit'], label='Estimated Profitability with Recommended Rates', fill=True, alpha=0.5, linewidth=2)

plt.title('Comparison of Profitability in Food Delivery: Actual vs. Recommended Discounts and Commissions')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis: Comparison of Profitability in Food Delivery

The visualization compares the distribution of profitability per order using actual discounts and commissions versus the simulated scenario with recommended discounts (6%) and commissions (30%).

The actual profitability distribution shows a mix, with a significant portion of orders resulting in losses (profit < 0) and a broad spread of profit levels for orders. The simulated scenario suggests a shift towards higher profitability per order. The distribution is more skewed towards positive profit, indicating that the recommended adjustments could lead to a higher proportion of profitable orders.


So, this is how you can analyze the cost and profitability of a food delivery company. Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis involves examining all the costs associated with delivering food orders, from direct expenses like delivery fees and packaging to indirect expenses like discounts offered to customers and commission fees paid by restaurants. By juxtaposing these costs against the revenue generated (primarily through order values and commission fees), the analysis aims to provide insights into how profitable the food delivery service is on a per-order basis.

I hope you liked this article on Food Delivery Cost and Profitability Analysis using Python. Feel free to ask valuable questions in the comments section below. You can follow me on Instagram for many more resources.

Aman Kharwal
Aman Kharwal

Data Strategist at Statso. My aim is to decode data science for the real world in the most simple words.

Articles: 1622


  1. Hey aman! why there is none value in discount and offer column but it is not there when you used an info function on the dataset?

    • the discount and offers column is an object containing discount percentage or promo code names, then we are converting it into float by extracting the actual discount from the column, what’s the error you are facing?

  2. first of all, unlike you i am getting 185 null values for ‘Discounts and Offers’ column and when i tried to follow the procedure you have laid out, I am getting a ‘TypeError: argument of type ‘float’ is not iterable’. Plus there seems to be mistake in your calculation(correct me if i am wrong.) but for order ID 5, 50 off is calculated as 50% off of the order value which is wrong as far as i understood.
    I couldn’t go past that so would you care to comment?

  3. Sir can i put these case study analysis in my resume..And also suggest me some project ideas that are worth putting in resume and land a job..What kind of projects should i do to get jobs and internships in data science

  4. # adjust ‘Discount Amount’ for fixed discounts directly specified in the ‘Discounts and Offers’ column
    food_orders[‘Discount Amount’] = food_orders.apply(lambda x: x[‘Discount Amount’] if x[‘Discount Percentage’] <= 1
    else x['Order Value'] * x['Discount Percentage'] / 100, axis=1)

    Hi Aman,
    Could you please explain me the purpose of this line of code. I have checked your comment above the code. But I dint understand and am still doubtful. Thanks in advance.

    • It basically use this logic:

      For each order in food_orders:
      If Discount Percentage <= 1: Keep the Discount Amount as is Else: Calculate Discount Amount as (Order Value * Discount Percentage) / 100 It leaves the "Discount Amount" as is if the "Discount Percentage" is 1% or less, assuming these represent already calculated fixed discount amounts rather than percentages. For "Discount Percentage" values greater than 1%, it calculates the "Discount Amount" as a percentage of the "Order Value". This means we are treating these values as actual percentage discounts to be applied to the order value to determine the discount amount.

  5. Sir can you please tell me, did find the right solution or not by filling “Not Available” in missing values or what approach will be best for this ?

    Those who are getting error “TypeError: argument of type ‘float’ is not iterable”, they need to fill the missing values present in “Discounts and Offers”. You can check the missing values by using


    Then you can fill them using

    food_orders[‘Discounts and Offers’] = food_orders[‘Discounts and Offers’].fillna(‘Not AVailable’)

    here in the above fillna method you can pass any value that you think is better.

    Then again check and confirm that your values has been filled or not by using this method again


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