Delhi Metro Network Analysis using Python

Metro Network Analysis involves examining the network of metro systems to understand their structure, efficiency, and effectiveness. It typically includes analyzing routes, stations, traffic, connectivity, and other operational aspects. So, if you want to learn how to analyze the metro network in a city, this article is for you. In this article, I’ll take you through the task of Delhi Metro Network Analysis using Python.

Delhi Metro Network Analysis: Process We Can Follow

Analyzing the metro network in a city like Delhi helps improve urban transportation infrastructure, leading to better city planning and enhanced commuter experiences. Below is the process we can follow for the task of Metro Network Analysis of Delhi:

  1. Determine what you want to achieve. It could be optimizing routes, reducing congestion, improving passenger flow, or understanding travel patterns.
  2. Collect data on metro lines, stations, connections, and transit schedules.
  3. Clean the data for inconsistencies, missing values, or errors.
  4. Create visual representations of the network, such as route maps, passenger flow charts, or heat maps of station congestion.
  5. Analyze how effectively the network handles passenger traffic and meets operational targets.

So, for the task of Delhi Metro Network Analysis, we need to have a dataset based on all metro lines in Delhi and how they connect with each other. I found an ideal dataset for this task. You can download the dataset from here.

Metro Network Analysis using Python

Let’s get started with the task of Delhi Metro Network Analysis by importing the necessary Python libraries and the dataset:

import pandas as pd
import folium
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import as pio
pio.templates.default = "plotly_white"

metro_data = pd.read_csv("Delhi Metro Network.csv")

   Station ID         Station Name  Distance from Start (km)          Line  \
0 1 Jhil Mil 10.3 Red line
1 2 Welcome [Conn: Red] 46.8 Pink line
2 3 DLF Phase 3 10.0 Rapid Metro
3 4 Okhla NSIC 23.8 Magenta line
4 5 Dwarka Mor 10.2 Blue line

Opening Date Station Layout Latitude Longitude
0 2008-04-06 Elevated 28.675790 77.312390
1 2018-10-31 Elevated 28.671800 77.277560
2 2013-11-14 Elevated 28.493600 77.093500
3 2017-12-25 Elevated 28.554483 77.264849
4 2005-12-30 Elevated 28.619320 77.033260

Now, let’s have a look at whether the dataset has any null values or not and then look at the data types:

# checking for missing values
missing_values = metro_data.isnull().sum()

# checking data types
data_types = metro_data.dtypes

Station ID                  0
Station Name 0
Distance from Start (km) 0
Line 0
Opening Date 0
Station Layout 0
Latitude 0
Longitude 0
dtype: int64
Station ID                    int64
Station Name object
Distance from Start (km) float64
Line object
Opening Date object
Station Layout object
Latitude float64
Longitude float64
dtype: object

Now, I’ll convert the Opening Date column to a datetime format for ease of analysis:

# converting 'Opening Date' to datetime format
metro_data['Opening Date'] = pd.to_datetime(metro_data['Opening Date'])

Geospatial Analysis

Now, I’ll start by visualizing the locations of the metro stations on a map. It will give us an insight into the geographical distribution of the stations across Delhi. We will use the latitude and longitude data to plot each station.

For this, I’ll create a map with markers for each metro station. Each marker will represent a station, and we’ll be able to analyze aspects like station density and geographic spread. Let’s proceed with this visualization:

# defining a color scheme for the metro lines
line_colors = {
    'Red line': 'red',
    'Blue line': 'blue',
    'Yellow line': 'beige',
    'Green line': 'green',
    'Voilet line': 'purple',
    'Pink line': 'pink',
    'Magenta line': 'darkred',
    'Orange line': 'orange',
    'Rapid Metro': 'cadetblue',
    'Aqua line': 'black',
    'Green line branch': 'lightgreen',
    'Blue line branch': 'lightblue',
    'Gray line': 'lightgray'

delhi_map_with_line_tooltip = folium.Map(location=[28.7041, 77.1025], zoom_start=11)

# adding colored markers for each metro station with line name in tooltip
for index, row in metro_data.iterrows():
    line = row['Line']
    color = line_colors.get(line, 'black')  # Default color is black if line not found in the dictionary
        location=[row['Latitude'], row['Longitude']],
        popup=f"{row['Station Name']}",
        tooltip=f"{row['Station Name']}, {line}",

# Displaying the updated map
Delhi Metro Network Analysis

Here is the map showing the geographical distribution of Delhi Metro stations. Each marker represents a metro station, and you can hover over or click on the markers to see the station name and the metro line it belongs to. This map provides a visual understanding of how the metro stations are spread across Delhi.

Temporal Analysis

Now, I will analyze the growth of the Delhi Metro network over time. I’ll look at how many stations were opened each year and visualize this growth. It can provide insights into the pace of metro network expansion and its development phases.

I’ll start by extracting the year from the Opening Date and then count the number of stations opened each year. Following this, I’ll visualize this information in a bar plot. Let’s proceed with this analysis:

metro_data['Opening Year'] = metro_data['Opening Date'].dt.year

# counting the number of stations opened each year
stations_per_year = metro_data['Opening Year'].value_counts().sort_index()

stations_per_year_df = stations_per_year.reset_index()
stations_per_year_df.columns = ['Year', 'Number of Stations']

fig =, x='Year', y='Number of Stations',
             title="Number of Metro Stations Opened Each Year in Delhi",
             labels={'Year': 'Year', 'Number of Stations': 'Number of Stations Opened'})

fig.update_layout(xaxis_tickangle=-45, xaxis=dict(tickmode='linear'),
                  yaxis=dict(title='Number of Stations Opened'),
Number of Metro Stations Opened Each Year in Delhi

The bar chart illustrates the number of Delhi Metro stations opened each year. This visualization helps us understand the temporal development of the metro network. Some key observations include:

  • Some years show a significant number of new station openings, indicating phases of rapid network expansion.
  • Conversely, there are years with few or no new stations, which could be due to various factors like planning, funding, or construction challenges.

Line Analysis

Now, I’ll analyze the various metro lines in terms of the number of stations they have and the average distance between stations. It will give us insights into the characteristics of each metro line, such as which lines are more extensive or denser.

I’ll calculate the number of stations per line and the average distance between stations on each line. I’ll then visualize these metrics to better understand the differences between the lines. Let’s start with these calculations:

stations_per_line = metro_data['Line'].value_counts()

# calculating the total distance of each metro line (max distance from start)
total_distance_per_line = metro_data.groupby('Line')['Distance from Start (km)'].max()

avg_distance_per_line = total_distance_per_line / (stations_per_line - 1)

line_analysis = pd.DataFrame({
    'Line': stations_per_line.index,
    'Number of Stations': stations_per_line.values,
    'Average Distance Between Stations (km)': avg_distance_per_line

# sorting the DataFrame by the number of stations
line_analysis = line_analysis.sort_values(by='Number of Stations', ascending=False)

line_analysis.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
                 Line  Number of Stations  \
0 Blue line 49
1 Pink line 38
2 Yellow line 37
3 Voilet line 34
4 Red line 29
5 Magenta line 25
6 Aqua line 21
7 Green line 21
8 Rapid Metro 11
9 Blue line branch 8
10 Orange line 6
11 Gray line 3
12 Green line branch 3

Average Distance Between Stations (km)
0 1.355000
1 1.097917
2 1.157143
3 1.950000
4 1.240000
5 1.050000
6 1.379167
7 4.160000
8 1.421622
9 1.000000
10 1.167857
11 1.318182
12 1.269444

The table presents a detailed analysis of the Delhi Metro lines, including the number of stations on each line and the average distance between stations.

To better understand these metrics, let’s visualize them. I’ll create two plots: one for the number of stations per line and another for the average distance between stations. It will provide a comparative view of the metro lines:

# creating subplots
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=('Number of Stations Per Metro Line',
                                                    'Average Distance Between Stations Per Metro Line'),

# plot for Number of Stations per Line
    go.Bar(y=line_analysis['Line'], x=line_analysis['Number of Stations'],
           orientation='h', name='Number of Stations', marker_color='crimson'),
    row=1, col=1

# plot for Average Distance Between Stations
    go.Bar(y=line_analysis['Line'], x=line_analysis['Average Distance Between Stations (km)'],
           orientation='h', name='Average Distance (km)', marker_color='navy'),
    row=1, col=2

# update xaxis properties
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Number of Stations", row=1, col=1)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Average Distance Between Stations (km)", row=1, col=2)

# update yaxis properties
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Metro Line", row=1, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="", row=1, col=2)

# update layout
fig.update_layout(height=600, width=1200, title_text="Metro Line Analysis", template="plotly_white")
Delhi Metro Network Analysis: Metro Line Analysis

Station Layout Analysis

Next, I’ll explore the station layouts (Elevated, Ground Level, Underground). I’ll analyze the distribution of these layouts across the network and see if there are any patterns or trends, such as certain lines favouring a particular layout.

I’ll calculate the frequency of each layout type and then visualize these frequencies to get a clearer picture of the layout distribution. Let’s proceed with this:

layout_counts = metro_data['Station Layout'].value_counts()

# creating the bar plot using Plotly
fig =, y=layout_counts.values,
             labels={'x': 'Station Layout', 'y': 'Number of Stations'},
             title='Distribution of Delhi Metro Station Layouts',

# updating layout for better presentation
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Station Layout",
                  yaxis_title="Number of Stations",
Distribution of Station Layouts

The bar chart and the counts show the distribution of different station layouts in the Delhi Metro network.

  1. Elevated Stations: The majority of the stations are Elevated. It is a common design choice in urban areas to save space and reduce land acquisition issues.
  2. Underground Stations: The Underground stations are fewer compared to elevated ones. These are likely in densely populated or central areas where above-ground construction is less feasible.
  3. At-Grade Stations: There are only a few At-Grade (ground level) stations, suggesting they are less common in the network, possibly due to land and traffic considerations.


So, this is how you can perform Delhi Metro Network Analysis using Python. Metro Network Analysis involves examining the network of metro systems to understand their structure, efficiency, and effectiveness. It typically includes analyzing routes, stations, traffic, connectivity, and other operational aspects.

I hope you liked this article on Delhi Metro Network Analysis using Python. Feel free to ask valuable questions in the comments section below. You can follow me on Instagram for many more resources.

Aman Kharwal
Aman Kharwal

Data Strategist at Statso. My aim is to decode data science for the real world in the most simple words.

Articles: 1614


  1. Thanks for sharing this article Mr. Aman and it is very nice analysis of delhi metro . I am persuing MBA IT and learning data analytics using python so this is very useful project for me . soo thank you for sharing this project .

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