Programming Languages to Learn in 2022

There are so many popular programming languages you can learn. Some languages will help you get your first job, while others can help you land your desired job role. So which programming languages should you learn in 2022? In this article, I will introduce you to all the programming languages you should choose to learn in 2022.

Programming Languages to Learn in 2022


JavaScript is currently the most popular programming language. It can be used in full-stack development but is preferred in the front-end. If you search on Google for programming languages used by all popular websites, you will find that JavaScript is commonly being used in the industry for front-end development. So, if you are interested in web development, you should learn JavaScript in 2022.


Python is one of the most popular programming languages today. It is used by Data Science professionals and web developers specifically in back-end development. There are many more uses of Python in the industry other than just data science and back end development. For the past five years, Python has been one of the favourite programming languages of many developers. So you can undoubtedly learn Python in 2022.


Golang is one of the programming languages becoming popular among developers in many fields. Golang was designed by Google, and Google itself uses it in the back-end. It is also believed that Golang can replace many programming languages used in industry today. So you should learn it in 2022.

So, these are the programming languages you should learn in 2022. These languages will help you get your desired job, but if you are new to coding and want to learn the basics of computer science rather than getting a job in a specific domain, I will recommend learning C++. It will help you understand the concepts of computer science that will benefit you in the long run.


So you should learn JavaScript, Python, or Golang in 2022. But if you are new to coding and you want to focus on the concepts rather than getting a job in a specific domain, I will recommend you to start with C++ as your very first programming language. I hope you liked this article on programming languages to learn in 2022. Feel free to ask valuable questions in the comments section below.

Aman Kharwal
Aman Kharwal

Data Strategist at Statso. My aim is to decode data science for the real world in the most simple words.

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